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A young woman is discovering happiness in city street; image used for learn more about PAS (Portfolio Allocation Service)

Learn more about PAS (Portfolio Allocation Service)

With easy wealth management, you can embrace a more carefree financial life

What is PAS (Portfolio Allocation Service)?

PAS is provided by experts at HSBC Group to help you decide what your investment risk attributes and risk appetite are for customers with risk levels categorized into “Balanced”, “Adventurous” and “Speculative”. PAS helps diversify investments across various assets (such as equities, bonds and cash) and lower the risk of your portfolio while maximizing your potential return. Your overall portfolio volatility will match your risk appetite. 

Benefits of PAS

  • Lower volatility of your overall portfolio
  • Engage in and access to broader market opportunities
  • Help spread your risk across your portfolio
  • Plan your assets in a scientific way

A complete procedure for asset allocations

Ideal asset allocations should take into account an individual’s situation, risk tolerance and financial condition. It should be reviewed and adjusted according to the situation and any market changes of the individual.

  • Step 01 Understand your investment need and risk appetite
    Understand your investment objective, risk appetite, financial condition, other individual factors and investment needs to help you find the most suitable investment portfolio.
    (You can visit our Bank to review your investment needs with PAS.) 
  • Step 02 Choose a reference asset allocation for yourself
    Take a risk profiling questionnaire to choose the best PAS for you.
    *Risk tolerance levels for customers are classified into: “Secure”, “Very cautious”, “Cautious”, “Balanced”, “Adventurous” and “Speculative”. 
  • Step 03 Choose suitable investment products to develop your portfolio
    Learn more information about the investment products in each asset class to help you make an appropriate choice from a branch visit.
  • Step 04 Review your portfolio regularly
    Learn the detailed information of asset class specified in the reference asset allocation and  your suitable investment product under that asset class, to help you make the choice. Review your portfolio regularly and adjust the asset allocation according to your needs. PAS is expected to update the reference asset allocation quarterly (or from time to time according to market changes) for your reference.
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